wtorek, 18 lutego 2014

How the games are made? ( Global Game Jam 2014)

Today I'm going to tell you something about amazing event I took part in, which is Global Game Jam.
Let me explain first. The main idea is to make a game. For people who know programming well it's not a problem. The trick is, that it has to be completed in 48 hours. Aaaaaand it has to be connected with the topic of recent year's Jam. It's hard to believe, but hard work under time pressuce CAN be a real pleasure and fun. This was my secong time to take part in this event. I don't know any codes so I'm in charge of graphics.
But let's start from the beginning.

 My Jam side was in Kraków ( = KrakJam ) but a bit far away from my home, so I needed to stay the whole time in Cracow Technological Park. But yeah, there wasn't much time for sleeping. When participants gathered there were three short lectures as we were waiting for the topic ( which should be released at the same time all over the world ). There was also time to form teams: 1-5 people in each. Previous year's topic was the beating heart's sound, and the year before was 'oroborus'. We had no idea what to expect. So this year's topic was a sentence: "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are". I'm not sure what to expect next year...
Anyway! After a big brainstorm our team had an idea ( I actually didn't take part in thinking because I had to borrow a laptop from my friend... ). The wanted to create a game where you can do some of the navigation with your voice. As we started to work there came an idea of glowing rainbow cosmic insect-thingy. My work was to make contepts and then the full graphics.
I had endless ideas, but yeah.... we choosed the first one I've created xD

We needed a background
and obsticles

aaaaaand powerups! ( because why not!)

The funny thing is, that much of the project was done in traditional way

From a concept...
... to finished piece
In the meantime we had pizza and plenty of food. I even menaged to sleep few hours ;)
It's amazing how the atmosphere was so friendly.
 and some other menu thingies.

We were really glad when everything came out right and the game was working. Ans the gameplay was even enjoyable.

In the end he wad to register the game on Global Game Jam event website.
Then came the contest part. Every participant tried the games of other teams and voted for the best three.
Krak Jam has great sponsors like Artifex Mundi (*w*! ) and Techland so there were plenty of rewards for the winners. And all of the winning teams got also the... jam :D ( apple jam exactly)

It was pure 48 hours of amazing adventure and a battle with the time.
I'm actually writing this post because I'm really proud of myself. Now I see how big progress I made since the last year.
At the end I will answer one question
( 'do you want to create games?' )


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