środa, 5 lutego 2014

The Micro-World

Sometimes I just hate my studies and university. Especially when the finals are comming.
But sometimes I just love it and I'm amazed by the things I've learnt.
Today I want to share some sneaky photos I've taken from my class.
( I will add a bit of polish in description for my friends who might don't know some of these words )
Let's see how beautiful the microbiology is.

What do you think 'where doeas this little creatures live?'  The answer will be at the end of post ;)

saccharomyces cerevisiae - yeast ( drożdże )
two different species - gram positive and gram negative
gram positive bacteria with a epithelium cell ( bakterie gram ujemne z komórką nabłonka)
and how normally it looks like.
Here are some agar plates, McConkey and blood agar.

And now the answer: these bacteria cultures (excluding the yeast of course ;p ) were taken... from my mouth :) This is what lives in every human being ( kind of scary, right? :D )

That's all for today~!

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